Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I choose this picture,because tomarrow is HALLOWEEN,so since I won't have blogging class I did this  wile I still had time too.


 Here is a song that says sorry for the blogs that I wrote to scare you

I am jerelluv comin live from school and i play grand theft auto but i keep it real.well i will talk to yoll later,peec



I am back and I am going to show a video called one thing. this is dj chris and I hope you like it' and happy halloween everyone and remeber to comment and have a good day.

halloween pony customs!


These are pictures of my little pony Halloween pony customs.

redneck madness

these rednecks don't know if you are a zombie or not so it is shoot or be shot at
               Happy Holloween
                      by: Isabella Sherrill

cliff hudson

cliff hudson is a veterian in the tool market. He has bombs
(look at last blog tocome to me)
Dis video is about big booms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everybody its cameron!Today im blogging about BRACES and HURRICANE SANDY!So a few dayes ago I found out I had to get braces.I am getting them in DECEMBER!Im not happy about it at all!Im not sure what colors to get if you have suggestions post below1So hurricane sandy is ruininghouses and PEOPLE!Its so sad.I hope it dosnt take down the statue of liberty!Also its giving lots of states snow but not nc!My grandparents live in ohio and are getting snow tomarrow!

trust me that frankie stien is electical fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurricane Sandy!

The Statue of Liberty!!!
     Hurricane Sandy is almost back in the ocean but it is still ripping through New York and New Jersey. My aunt lives in NJ and they won't have power until at least November 5!! Their fence blew down and it still isn't over yet! Flights are cancelled, and even homeless people even have to board at motels for ALL their money until they can go outside again. We only got the edges of it on Saturday but it is still giving us a lot of wind.

this video is about Sean Swart missing me a whole bunch...
Bye Everybody!!... :)
BY: Isabella Sherrill

the clown

in the dead rising game beware there is a clown on it he has TWO chainsaws that can beat you in 4 hits
(if you want you know how to beat him on any system, come to josiah nixon)

Isabella sherrill

 MY  GOODY TWO SHOES PICTURES.... I'm not that of a goody twoshoes you know....
                                                       by: Isabella Sherrill

this picture is about me and sean, because when me and sean shared our first kiss it was amazing!

I choose this picture is about me and my brother fighting EVERY MORNING... UGH... what a little brother he is. Brother's are soo annoying unless yall get along...VERY WELL...(DISGUSTING!!).


This the I'm a firin mah lazer video .......................and yes that is how you spell it. It's funny. I promise. Please enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The love of Narwhals and Mr.Fassbender


             THIS IS TRUE LOVE