Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I did a post on the first Maximum Ride, but this year, in a few days in fact, Maximum Ride will end. I am upset that it will end but excited for what happens to Max and her friends. Visit the books site at:

So, Nevermore, the final installment in the Maximum Ride series, comes out  August 6, 2012.
Now, here's the thing: In 2007, when Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports (the third installment) was made, it said this would be the last book in the "trilogy". But then, in 2008, The Final Warning was made. Therefore, the Maximum Ride series hadn't drawn to a close. But i feel like this is it. This is the end of Maximum Ride.
Also, i think, that the title Nevermore is based off of Edgar Allen Poes The Raven, in which a raven says "Nevermore". Since they are 2% avian (bird) i would think that is what the title Nevermore is getting at.

Here is a book cover for Nevermore by James Patterson:

Book Cover from:

Thanks for reading!

Book Review of: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

So i'm back. As I said, I am gong to post a book review. This one, my first (yay!) will be on Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. This is the first installment of the 8 book series, and its one of my favorite books. And you might have noticed by James Patterson, one of the most popular thriller/mystery authors. 
Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel are six unusual kids. The fact being that they are 98% human, 2% avian. They were made as experiments in a place called "The School", where they were tested on their speed, strength, and mind. Jeb, a "whitecoat" helped Max and the 
"Flock" escape from the school and live a new life in the mountains. Until Jeb dissapeared two years ago, believed to be dead. Now Erasers, Human/Wolf hybrids, have captured the youngest one, Angel, and taken her back to the school. Now Max and her friends have to perform a rescue mission. Will they succeed? Find out in Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

I thought The Angel Experiment was a very thrilling and suspenseful book. It makes you never want to put it down until your finished. With a book like The Angel Experiment, James Patterson has mixed Action, Suspense, Adventure and Comedy into one thrilling book. Luckily, there is a second installment to the series, Schools Out-Forever so that you dont have to be left hanging. Overall this book was a great thrill ride that hopefully never ends.
Here is the trailer for Maximum Ride:

This is the book cover for The Angel Experiment

Book Cover from:


Hi my name is Sapphire Estridge and I am going to be talking about horses.I learned how to canter while riding on the horse.Cantering can be VERY DANGEROUS because you could easly GET HURT VERY BADLY and prombly canter into a fence and die.You could canter very fast and not know where you are going and canter into a fence and prombly get hurt very badly or you will die.Sapphire Estridge

Well Hello There.

Hi. My name is Hunter. On this blog, i would like to discuss things such as news, book reviews, and movies. I'll be posting pictures that i think are interesting, and possibly create a podcast. I look forward to blogging with my classmates and hope you enjoy the blog. Thanks for checking out our page Middle School Blogs. My next post will most likely be a book review. Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let's get ready to blog!!!!!

Good afternoon class. Today I am going to start signing you up to join our blog (if you brought your permission slip in), so you can start writing your introductory blogs. For you first blog, I want you to describe who you are, what your interest are, and the topic you plan to write about (e.g. music, fashion, television, your life, surfing, etc.) Once you are finished writing your blog, I want you to read your classmates' blogs and write a comment under their blogs saying that it's nice to "meet" them and writing anything that you think you might have in common with that person.

If you did not turn in your permission slip then you must write your blog on a sheet of paper. Your permission slip must be turned in by Thursday, otherwise you need to consider another afternoon elective. I'll be around to answer any questions after I sign you up to join our class.

I'm very excited about reading all about you!

Happy blogging,

Mr. Fassbender

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the first day of our blogging class. On some days I will be posting my expectations for what I want you to write on particular days; other times, I'll simply ask you to write anything you're interested in. Today I have put together a few blog sites you might be interested in. Check them out and let me know which ones were your favorite. Pay special attention to how the bloggers (the writers of the blogs) create their posts and what they have to say. Eventually, you will be the experts blogging about your own topics.

http://pushtotalk.spl.org/- A blog about teen books

http://www.engadget.com/- Technology blog

http://news.blogs.cnn.com/- Up to the minute news blog

http://themovieblog.com/- Blogs about movies

When you are finished reading these blogs, I want you to search for blogs using Google. Search for blogs and topics that are of interest to you in some way. Pay attention to the way the person writes his/her blog because you will be using similar techniques and methods when writing your blogs, starting on Tuesday.