Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book Review of: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

So i'm back. As I said, I am gong to post a book review. This one, my first (yay!) will be on Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. This is the first installment of the 8 book series, and its one of my favorite books. And you might have noticed by James Patterson, one of the most popular thriller/mystery authors. 
Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel are six unusual kids. The fact being that they are 98% human, 2% avian. They were made as experiments in a place called "The School", where they were tested on their speed, strength, and mind. Jeb, a "whitecoat" helped Max and the 
"Flock" escape from the school and live a new life in the mountains. Until Jeb dissapeared two years ago, believed to be dead. Now Erasers, Human/Wolf hybrids, have captured the youngest one, Angel, and taken her back to the school. Now Max and her friends have to perform a rescue mission. Will they succeed? Find out in Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

I thought The Angel Experiment was a very thrilling and suspenseful book. It makes you never want to put it down until your finished. With a book like The Angel Experiment, James Patterson has mixed Action, Suspense, Adventure and Comedy into one thrilling book. Luckily, there is a second installment to the series, Schools Out-Forever so that you dont have to be left hanging. Overall this book was a great thrill ride that hopefully never ends.
Here is the trailer for Maximum Ride:

This is the book cover for The Angel Experiment

Book Cover from:

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