Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 ;(

I just found out that they shone lights into the air right where
The Twin Towers were!
Hey guys it's Ashlyn again! Today I'm writing about 9/11 and the twin towers and the Pentagon. The little assembly we had today was about the attacks 11 years ago today (good job chorus!) I was 7 months old and I lived in Trenton,New Jersey so I was pretty close by when it happened. Not as many people remember the Pentagon but EVERYONE knows about the World Trade Center probably because the Twin Towers were first and more publicized because everyone had their attention in NY and wasn't really "looking" at Washington D.C. when the Pentagon was hit. Kids my age don't remember the attacks but were born right around that time! Does anyone have an interesting story to tell about 9/11?


  1. Well, my mom worked at a military base, and there was an unidentified plane coming in. They thought it was another terrorist, but it wasn't. And guess who went out there to stop the "terrorist"? The butcher. yep. The butcher.

  2. Who's the butcher?! :?
