Wednesday, November 7, 2012

News: Election 2012

Happy Late Election Day!
Romney vs Obama! Now, just in case you don't think you know enough about each candidate, This post will be one where you can learn the basics of the Election 2012.
First up: The Republicans, or as you may know, the elephant. This elections Republican candidate is Willard "Mitt" Romney and Paul Ryan. Mitt Romney was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002. So what are Romneys promises? Romney wants to fix the jobs problem by creating 12 million more jobs in the next four years if elected president. Romney also wants to cut government spending by stop funding  PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), which started a whole fight in which Barack Obama claimed Romney was "Killing Big Bird". Other information is listed below
  • Anti- Gay rights
  • Pro- Gun Control
  • Anti Abortion
For more information, visit

Democratic's turn. The canidate for the democratic party is Barry "Barack" Obama and Joe Biden. Obamas promises so far are to continue investment in education by hiring 100,000 math and science teachers. Obama wants to tax the rich and is Anti-Gun Control. For more information, visit
Whos The Winner?
The winner of the 2012 election is the democratic incumbent canidate, Barack Obama.
What Do Other Kids Think About Election 2012?
You might be wondering what some other kids opinions on Election 2012 are. Well this video, made by the TheFineBros, will show you.

Thanks for reading!

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