Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Review: Maximum Ride: Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports

This Is The End of Maximum Ride
Nope, not really. This is the third installment of the Maximum Ride series. When it was realeased, it was said to be the end of the Maximum Ride "trilogy"
But, then The Final Warning, Max, Fang, Angel and Nevermore came out.
So much for "The End" idea.

After the events in Schools Out-Forever, Max and the flock need to find Itex and stop them from killing everyone-including them. But Fang, the second in charge besides Max, wants to find a permanent home.  But since that will probably never happen, Fang posts things on his blog, telling the world about Itex and what they plan to do. More and more people discover Fang's blog, and start to be moved by it. But time is running out...half the worlds population will die if Itex isn't stopped. 
To find out what happens, read Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson.

This book was the most exciting out of the first trilogy (the first three books in this series are called The Fugitives). It was an action packed, suspenseful novel that left me wanting to read the next installment. I give this book a 10 on a scale of 1-10.

To visit the Maximum Ride website, click the link below:


Thanks for reading!

Book Cover:

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