Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Which Pic?

Hey again! Today I am doing another 'Which Pic" post. Yes, I know I post a lot, but it's fun! Which logo do you think is the most popular? I just picked the random logo pictures off the top of my head, so they aren't from a category.  Have fun! Comment Below!!! :-)

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4


  1. either Apple, because tons of people have their products, like i-Pods or i-Phones,
    or maybe Walmart, cause it's a store usually brought up in a converstion often.

  2. MCDONALDS!!!definatly cause my mom works there and i always go there for dinner every night and somtimes lunch and breakfeast too....i also love the apple cause it's one of a kind to me...

  3. number three because, i love disney

  4. For popularity, I would say McDonalds, for MY favorite, I would have to say Disney. I'm going over fall break! I can't wait! Thanks for commenting! ;-)
