Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today's Assignment!

Good afternoon middle school bloggers!

I know I haven't written in a while, but I've been busy getting your classmates settled in and signing them to get started with their blogs. Now that everyone in class is ready and blogging, today I have a special task for you: I want you to go back through your blogs that you've written so far and make sure that they say what you are trying to get across to your audience. Pay special attention to your spelling, punctuation, mechanics, and grammar.

I love reading your posts, but I notice that sometimes you forget to capitalize proper nouns (such as specific places or names of people) and you forget to capitalize "I" when referring to yourself. Other times, some people make silly mistakes, such as forgetting words in your sentences, which makes them incoherent and hard to understand. So, once you are logged in to Blogger, click on "Go to Post List" (next to the orange "Create New Post" button) and edit your posts. Once you are finished editing your work, please help your classmates in editing their blogs.

Also, I want to remind you that my expectation is that you have at least one developed paragraph for each blog post (that's at least FOUR descriptive sentences). If you have any issues or questions as to what I'm looking for regarding your posts, I would suggest you defer to Hunter Summer's posts. He does a great job of choosing a topic that is interesting to him, describing that topic, and providing his opinion. His daily posts are consistently well-written, with few to no writing errors, which is what I want from all of you.

The point is this: I want your posts to look professional. Just like a newspaper journalist would never print an article with errors in it, you don't want to publish anything that has mistakes. Remember, people on the internet only know you based on your writing, so they will judge you based on your talent in writing as well as your errors, so let's try to make these blogs fantastic!!

I will be around to help you make any changes you need to make in your blogs. Please feel free to ask me about any questions you may have about your writing.

Happy blogging,

Mr. FB

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