Monday, August 6, 2012

News: Nike's New Glasses Enhance Memory!

Yes, you read that title right, these glasses "enhance memory"

The Nike Sparq Vapor Strobes are glasses that work  by blocking vision using a strobe or flicker effect, so that the athlete can have quick reaction times and motor skills. The strobe effect is when the glasses switch from blocked to regular (clear) vision.
"The system is already proving effective. Two recent studies* showed that training with the Nike SPARQ Vapor Strobes improved:
1) The ability to pick up subtle motion cues
2) Visual information processing
3) Timing of motion "-Nike Inc.

It was reported that after taking off the eyewear, the athletes who were testing these glasses had a boost in visual memory.

But don't get too excited, these glasses cost $300. So basically, your going to need lots of birthday money to save up for these.

To see a video on the Nike Vapor Strobes, click the link below:
If your still interested in buying them, click the link below to check them out:,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-384745

If you'd like more information on these glasses, click the link below:

 Leave comments below on what you think about these glasses.

Thanks for reading!

Picture of Vapor Strobes:


  1. Those Are Ug . Lol . Nike Needs To Keep Making Shoes . (:

    1. I agree. I think these glasses are very odd looking and think that it is a waste of time and money. I'm not a fan of Nike anyways
